Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet.....

I have found a new favorite song! Superman by Joe Brooks. IT IS SO ADORABLE! I cannot stop listening to it! His voice is adorable and he is too :P LOVE THIS SONG!! Everyone should listen to it.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Singing Hallelujah

I'm thinking about joining the choir. I'm up for the challenge! Hopefully I won't make a fool of myself again.
Maybe this time I will actually practice and memorize the songs instead of just busting out random notes and lyrics......maybe. :)


Today I got my haircut. I was loving the long hair, but it was time for some change. It is now above my shoulders! Kinda freaked me out a little bit, but I'm diggin it now :P At least I don't look like this!!                                                                                        

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Reading

For this next school year, we were assigned to read a novel and a play. They gave us a list of them and we got to decide which two we wanted to read. I picked "Our Town" -Thornton Wilder and "A Farewell To Arms" -Ernest Hemingway. I just finished "Our Town" and I thought that it was just an adorable play, but it had a lot of meaning behind it. It gave a real depth of simple happy family life and how it should be. It teaches us to live life to the fullest. Don't take life for granted. I am EXTREMELY looking forward to reading "A Farewell To Arms". I have heard so many good reviews about it. I can't wait to read it!  Hopefully I'll be able to finish it by the end of the summer. Wish me luck!!


Well, I forgot to take a camera to EFY so I guess I won't be posting pictures after all. But I had an amazing time! :) After EFY I had another opportunity to go to Girls Camp with my ward and it was SO much fun! I am so privileged and honored to be in the same ward as these girls. They are all such a great example to me. I didn't take any pictures there sadly, but I'll post a picture of a tree instead :P